Wow. I admire your bravery - submitting TRAP to this contest!? You fool!!!
In all honesty, I liked it a lot. The intro has a really nice atmosphere to it - sets the mood for the track title. (I recognize that wind downlifter vengeance sample btw. ;D) The chord arppegiator helped fill out the space, as it felt quite roomy until the bass was introduced, which is nicely done. Hihat roll patterns very reminiscent of most recent trap releases, so nothing new there. I really like the gentle almost vocal sounding echo note every four beats, it's a nice touch. The distorted blip is a really nice synth!
Nice siren riser and saw riser into the drop at around :30! Now here, the perc is nicely varied - I like the wind chime sounds in the back and the stick clicks all really nice touches. When the hihats come back in with a octave lowered blip, that part is where I feel the energy from the words "primal time" really kick in. The rising synth after seems a bit out of place because of a certain reason I'll point out later when I explain why I rated this 3/5.
The voice cuts into the synth back-and-forth section is one of my favorites of this track. The droning bass helps to keep the energy high. Then till the end, an interesting ending - you built up towards it! Nice.
Now for the reason I didn't give this a 4 or a 5, and this is pretty much solely the reason why. It's not your arrangement or your melodies or your mixdown - you have a pretty good feel of that I think. It's the INTENSITY of your sounds and drums, ESPECIALLY for a genre like trap. I'm not sure if you were going for trap when you made this, or perhaps you haven't heard of it yet, but your drums and synths all point toward that genre. The problem is, they're just not intense enough. Trap is categorized by high energy drums with almost overly compressed hits and short tails. The hihats sound almost like knives slicing into your eardrums. The sine bass used along with the kicks are usually quite strong and help to fill out the headroom of the track, because trap uses high pitched synths and varied short melodies like you did to fill the melody part and they aren't very substantial by themselves. I'm not saying to make everything loud - you need to make everything crisper, cleaner, and more POP BOOM POW, if that makes sense. I'm not saying to throw a Maximus on everything, because that's not how it's done. Have you heard of Aero Chord? He's a great example of how to get intensity without sacrificing mixdowns/proper headroom. Listen to his track Surface. You'll understand what I mean.
You may not have been going for this kind of sound at all in the first place, in which case I apologize. But honestly, you have to consider that the reason trap stays popular despite it's relatively basic/repetitive synthing and drums, the intensity of all the sounds drives the energy behind the track. If you are going for this sound, please consider this in your future works.
All in all, I enjoyed it. Keep it up man. I hope my comments helped, and if not, I hope they gave you another perspective at least. Cheers!
NGAUC Knock-out Round Review